
Turbo engines v/s Electric vehicles: which is the future

The future of the automotive industry is without (a) doubt exhilarating. Modern technology and intricate techniques are being developed every second to transform the very concept of travel into more comfortable and environment-friendly.

Figuring out the sort of engine you wanted for your car was a much simpler process a while ago. That’s not the case these days. With a lot more options in the automotive market today, the process of choosing the type of engine for your car seems a lot more complicated than ever.

In this background, Pal Auto Garage – one of the best automotive specialists in UAE, through this blog will be comparing Turbo engines v/s Electric vehicles: which is the future


Turbo Engines

Turbo engines constitute of turbochargers – a combination of a turbine and an air compressor that accumulates the waste exhaust gases released from the vehicle’s engine. They help boost the engine’s ability to generate more power by forcing more air into the cylinders.



  • A compact turbocharged engine has the capability to generate more power than a large engine without turbocharging.
  • Being active only over a specific engine rev range allows them to work harder the faster the engine runs.
  • In contrast to large-capacity engines that continually consume a lot of fuel, a turbo engine starts smoothly during light driving allowing you to gain more fuel efficiency and effective driving.
  • Turbo engines in automobiles boost torque in addition to power – especially at low speeds – empowering petrol engines with great initial acceleration without producing significant torque.
  • Almost all fuel engines support the usage of turbochargers
  • The capability to utilize fuel more efficiently producing lesser pollutants than Naturally Aspirated engines makes turbo engines more environmentally friendly.



  • As the components of turbo engines are complicated, their breakdown could affect the overall functioning or lead to creating more trouble.
  • Similar to the turbocharger prices, their repair, and replacements are also very costly.
  • Turbo lag is one of the most common issues with a turbo engine, which could result in sluggish power delivery once the accelerator is depressed.
  • Aggressive driving of turbo engines may result in poor fuel efficiency.
  • In comparison with a naturally aspirated engine, turbo engines are more expensive and less reliable (due to operation under extreme stress)


Future of Turbo Engines

  • The forthcoming technological progress combined with the Turbo engine’s cost-effective advantages, turbo systems will soon be more widespread than variable turbine geometry (VTG).
  • As the small engines are capable of creating more power output without losing efficiency, Turbochargers are undoubtedly going to be the game-changers in the automotive industry.


Electric vehicles

The long-term consequences of hydrocarbon fuels on humans, animals, and the environment were the primary driving force for the shift toward EVs. The trends and popularity of electric vehicles began to rise in 2016 and are expected to rise much further by 2030.



  • Powered by batteries, electric automobiles have no emissions, helping in lowering environmental pollution.
  • Despite running on renewable energy, electric automobiles help safeguard nonrenewable energy sources – which are quickly depleted due to their widespread use.
  • Comprising fewer moving parts than in conventional automobiles, EVs last longer and are also less expensive to repair.
  • Built with very minimal or no fast-moving components at all, electric automobiles can be driven very quietly and are more streamlined.
  • As an initiative to promote eco-friendliness, governing bodies worldwide offer tax incentives and financial assistance to customers who purchase electric vehicles.



The initial cost of electric vehicles could be a hindrance for some customers who wish to switch from conventional vehicles.

Scarcity of charging stations during long-distance journeys

Lack of options in terms of style, look, or customization

Requirement of long hours for fully charging

Low fuel efficiency (In comparison with gasoline-powered vehicles)


Future of Electric Vehicles

As demand, popularity, and trends are rising, the cost of electric vehicles will decrease in the near future, making them an affordable option.

In the near future, owners and drivers who switch to EVs would enjoy various benefits such as fuel, taxes, maintenance costs, etc.

Whether you own a Conventional/Traditional car (Internal combustion engine), Strong Hybrid Electric Vehicle (SHEV), Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV), Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV), or Car running on other fuels (CNG, Hydrogen cells, Natural Fuels), Pal Auto Garage – is the best auto garage in UAE, that you can trust for the service and repair works of your car.

So these are the main information about Turbo engines v/s Electric vehicles: which is the future

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