Benefits of installing a speed limiter in your vehicle

The constant rise in road accidents and subsequent loss of lives have made governing bodies across the globe take strict measures against preventing accidents, and the introduction of speed limiters and making them mandatory for vehicles is one of them.
As the name itself suggests, a speed limiter is a device that once installed in your vehicle, restricts it from traveling over a specified speed that you’ve set. Unlike the cruise control setup in modern cars, the device will not maintain a pre-set speed. It will only restrict your vehicle from exceeding the set speed limit, even if the driver presses the accelerator pedal.
Now, let us have a look at the benefits of installing a speed limiter in your vehicle:
- Reduce road traffic accidents
Speed is the primary factor in most of the accidents and almost all fatal crashes. Although speed limiters cannot completely prevent accidents, they can help drivers to be more assertive and have control over the vehicle.
Therefore, installing speed limiters in vehicles can undoubtedly decrease the number of road accidents, injuries, and fatalities that occur and help to make our roads a lot safer.
Different studies and research across the world have discovered that vehicles with various speed limiting devices have a 50% lower crash rate compared to vehicles without any such devices installed in them.
- Aid fuel efficiency
Wind resistance is scientifically proven to increase exponentially the faster a vehicle is driven; which consequently means that it will be burning more fuel than necessary.
With the driving speed of a car having such a direct influence on its fuel consumption, installing speed limiters can ensure that the driver is not accelerating unnecessarily and using more fuel than is actually required during the drive.
A speed limiter works by regulating the amount of fuel that is delivered to the engine. By regulating how the fuel injection system works, the device, therefore, reduces the speed of the vehicle without hindering its performance.
- Decrease the level of emissions
It’s common sense or logic that increased fuel efficiency consequently reduces emissions. This means, that the faster you drive, the more fuel your vehicle consumes and the more carbon dioxide is produced and released into the atmosphere and vice versa.
With more vehicles being installed with speed limiters, it can make a great difference in reducing our carbon footprint and also improve the overall air quality.
Different field tests and research across the world have discovered that vehicles with various speed limiting devices installed in them have considerably low hydrocarbon emissions.
- Decreases the chances of being fined
Speed limiters restrict your car from exceeding a specific speed limit and makes sure you don’t over speed. It is by far the easiest and most effective way to manage speed- especially if you are driving through areas or zones that have speed limits; breaking which could result in a penalty.
Over speeding can also cause you lawsuits; which will be more complicated if you are involved in an accident due to overspeeding that have caused serious injuries. Speed limiters are therefore ideal to keep you away from such troubles by restricting your driving beyond the set speed limit.
- Improve driving habits
Driving your vehicle and at the same time making sure that you’re driving within the speed limit is kind of multi-tasking; which due to some minor carelessness could even lead to some serious troubles.
With a speed limiter installed in your vehicle, you don’t have to follow that old habit anymore as the vehicle will take care of itself; without exceeding the specified speed limit, allowing you to concentrate on the road and enjoy the drive.
Sticking to the speed limit without having to check your speedometer constantly will undoubtedly improve your driving habits and you will be driving; relieved and safe than ever before.
Speed limiters have been made compulsory for all commercial vehicles in UAE as per RTA rules. Pal auto garage provides Dubai’s RTA authorized speed limiter installation and certification. To learn more about the speed limiters that we provide, their features, and other details, please visit:
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